Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Still a metal mouth
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Boracay Vacation
The last couple of days have been pretty hectic for me --- had to find a sub for my classes in CSB, had to update him of the lessons for today and update Moodle, too, then there are all the preparations for the trip, and entertaining relatives who just arrived from the U.S. I've barely had time to breathe.
I've also been pretty stressed out the last couple of months and I've been looking forward to this vacation as a chance to refresh and "reboot". So far, it seems to be working.
Since it was raining in Caticlan while we were in the air, we had to circle the airport several times to allow the runway some time to dry up. this gave us the opportunity to be touristy and take some aerial shots of Boracay.
Annoyingly, our first few shots failed because the camera we brought would not cooperate. It took several attempts and a lot of fiddling to finally get it to work. I really should bring this camera to Canon to have it services. It's the kit lens that's the problem. If I have the cash, maybe I'll buy a new lens for myself for Christmas.
If there was any part we found tedious it would have to be all the transfers --- cab from the house, plane, trike, boat, trike, then a long hike down the beach to our resort. It wasn't so bad, though, 'cause we knew the trip ended in paradise.
Monday, September 20, 2010
How do I love Bo's? Let me count the ways ...
I guess those are reasons enough for me to become "mayor" of Bo's in E.Rod on foursquare.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Like a phoenix
- finalizing the grades of my kids (students) for submission to the registrar
- compiling research on communication theories and models into a handbook for my COM 630 class
- individual thesis (still working on it)
- group thesis (for presentation)
- review of masteral/doctoral paper on cross-culture (to do list)
- communication plan (to do list)
- session guide (to do list)
- 30 lab exercises and quizzes for racket (to do list)
- had dinner
- called Asian Massage and asked them to send a therapist
- took a shower
- went to sleep
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
She said I am fat!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Dear Justin ...
Friday, April 16, 2010
Getting over a writing hump
Dear John
Itago na lang natin siya sa pangalang John. (Only 'cause that's how I started this piece ...)
Dear John,
When I'm with you I can't help but smile all the time. Just the thought of you makes me smile.
I wish we could be together but I've learned to accept the situation for what it is. Who knows, maybe someday soon we will have our chance at happiness. For now, we have this, and I will make the most of it and make sure you never forget that you are loved, too.
And so, I leave you with three words, eight letters ... I love you!
When I get sick ...
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Summer school, here I come!
I am such a nerd!
I enrolled in 1 subject for the summer --- Managing Public Information Programs and Campaigns. My classmates and I chose this subject because we thought it would be appropriate given the upcoming national elections. We are hoping that whoever our professor is will bring us "on the field". Perhaps we could go to the campaign headquarters of a candidate? Or maybe we could go to a news agency or talk to reporters of news programs. That would be cool, too.
Class will be from 8am to 5pm ... that is one looooong class! I am hoping that the teacher can mix it up and make it interesting. I am also hoping for decent meal breaks, hehehe. An hour long lunch, perhaps?
Can't hardly wait for summer school to start!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Weighing in
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Dying for a breath of fresh air!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
I missed Wholly Trekday
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Goodbye SM Megamall Bowling Center
Saturday, March 27, 2010
"Wala akong pakialam."
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Time to relax
After 3 weeks of stress, what with working on all my papers for school and my lectures for my class i finally get to relax. �Phew! �School is out for grad school and in Benilde the next few weeks are for consultation by my students. �I can finally catch up on my sleep.
I look back at the sem that was and I can honestly say, I enjoyed going back to school as a student. �Fulfilling requirements was difficult, for sure, but not insurmountable. �I am optimistic about getting a good grade from my professors. �My only worry, if any, would be with my org. culture class because our professor in that subject was more distant with the students than the other professors.
For our ICT class we had to organize a seminar for our final requirement and submit a book report. �The last sounds very high school, I know, but that is what Dr. Garcia asked for.
For our Research Seminar 1 class Sir Dodi had us write three chapters of a research paper. �At the beginning of the semester he told me to write a qualitative research paper so I had to think of a topic that would require qualitative research. �Thankfully I was able to think of something fairly early and had time to work on it and submit on time.
For our Org. Culture class Sir Don's final requirement was a case study analysis and a communication plan. � Yes, in essence TWO papers. �We had only 10 days to work on it. �Thankfully I was able to submit on Day 9.
With all that paperwork ahead of me, I decided to start working on them as early as I can. �Good thing I did! �I still needed time to work on my lectures for my WebDev1 class. �Part of what I do to prepare for class is to create a "for dummies" instruction sheet on how to execute and use different webdev tricks on Dreamweaver for my kids.
I get about two weeks of rest and it is back to school and work for me. �Hello, summer class!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Buried in work
I won't deny it, I find you exhilirating and motivating on one end, yet tiring at the same time.
And you had to bring your friend, Writer's Block, with you, didn't you? �Just to make it more challenging for me? �So here I am writing you a letter instead of working, just to de-stress for a tiny bit.
I'm glad I was able to finish that research paper for Research Seminar 1 (under Sir Dodi Dizon) with days to spare. �And that I had time to study for the final exam. �I also finished my book review on Inventing The Internet for my Information and Communication Technology class (under Dr. Malou Garcia) with more than a week to submission. �So now I have only 10 days left to work on the case study analysis and the communication plan for my Org. Culture class (under Sir Don Bernarte). �I'm doing my best not to freak out! �I know that if I keep calm I will be able to do it.
I still need to work on my lecture for this Thursday at Benilde. �My topics are DIVs, rollover, and spry. �I haven't done CSS code in a while so I need to refresh soon and fast!
Ok, Stress, you are starting to get to me again. �Here's the deal, I'll acknowledge you are there, you push me to do well and complete my work on time, and I promise not to go and do something crazy. �Deal?
While we are at it, could you please tell your friend, Writer's Block, that I need to work now, so please leave me? �Thank you.
Goodbye, Tito Fred
He leaves behind my Aunt Cherry and my cousins Cecille, Christine, Cheryl, and Ted. �I don't know exactly how old he is but I would assume he was in his 60s only.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tita Tindeng is in heaven now
She was a very important person to the accounting community and to CEU (Centro Escolar University) where she was Dean of Commerce for many years.
She never married. �Instead she took care of her family. �She raised and put her siblings through school until all of them graduated from college. �Later she accepted their spouses as if they were her siblings, too. �Then she took care of her nephews and nieces and years later their spouses. �And she still had enough love for the "grandchildren".
Cleotilde G. Protomartir was the matriarch of the clan. �Everyone respected her, feared her, and loved her. �And now she's gone.
Tita Tindeng, we love you and we miss you, but we believe you are in a better place now. �Thank you for everything.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
He almost made a century
Before he passed away he acquired pneumonia and was getting much weaker. My uncle says that he was saying goodbye the day before and was pointing at people only he could see around him in his room. He went to sleep and didn't wake up.
Lolo Caloy lived longer than most people I know. We used to tease him that he must be aspiring to hit a hundred. Of his siblings he was the last surviving member. When he would ask us why Jesus would not get him yet we would joke with him and say either "only the good die young" or "ang masamang damo nga naman".
My mom is leaving for Davao tomorrow. I believe her other siblings will also be there by then. My sisters and I will be following on Saturday.
Lolo Caloy is at peace now. The funeral is set for Sunday afternoon. I will know all the details when we arrive in Davao on Saturday night.
Friday, February 5, 2010
It can't get any clearer.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
First Fun Run for 2010
So, for the next 2 weeks I am going to get back to running to recondition my body. After all, I will be running with superbods. I don't want to look like the fatso lumbering along in a crowd of skinny people.
Krispy Kreme, you will have to stay away for a bit. I have to resist temptation.