Growing up there is one gadget that I remember wanting more than any other. No, it’s not the phone, and it isn’t the computer either (personal computers were not commonplace until much later). The one gadget I wanted most was a camera. And not just any camera, I wanted an SLR (single-lens reflex) camera.
I love taking pictures. For me there is greater joy in being behind the camera than in being in front of it. Back in the days of analog photography I always looked forward to picking up my contact sheets/prints from the film developer and hoped fervently that I got more good shots than bad. Now that’s it’s the new millennia, SLRs have evolved into DSLRs ("D" for digital) and seeing the results of my attempts is almost instantaneous thus making me more eager than ever to own a decent camera.

This month I have the opportunity to win a
Canon EOS 450D Rebel XSi Digital Camera complete with lenses, but I need your help to win this prize. I’ve joined the
Twilight Saga photo contest on Fizzer.ph and the person who receives the most number of votes wins!

For my Twilight inspired photo I had the choice of going ethereal (angelic), wolfish, or vampish. I opted for ethereal. (I’ve never been a Goth girl so I fear I won’t be able to carry off the dark, menacing vamp look, hehehe.) Like I said, I went for ethereal --- wind blowing through my hair, an expectant and wistful expression on my face, as if breathlessly waiting for my wolf-man to return. Yeah, you read it right; I said wolf-man, not vampire. Call me weird, but I’ve always been on Team Jacob from the time I read the books more than a year ago. I’m not denying Edward’s old world appeal, mind you, I just like my man warm and cuddly and rippling with the muscles.

For me to have any chance at winning this wonderful prize I desperately need your help, and this is how you can give it to me:
- You have to be a member of Fizzer.ph (http://www.fizzer.ph). If you are not yet a member then please do sign up. It's free! Fizzer is a new local social networking site, so don’t worry about getting spammed or sent viruses by it. It would, perhaps be comparable to Facebook but with less features at the moment.
- Go to http://www.fizzer.ph/#competitions/twilight and vote for me by clicking on the VOTE button below my picture and name.
It’s that easy! Perhaps you would like to join the contest yourself? If you do, then you need to know that the rules for joining the contest are very strict.
- Contestants need to be a member of Fizzer.ph
- The photo entry has to be Twilight inspired, meaning it should be vampish, wolfish, or ethereal.
- The photo should be exactly 382 by 500 pixels.
- The photo should not be posted in other social networking sites.
Contest ends on 20 December 2009 at exactly 10am. I will really, really appreciate all your votes. Thank you, friends, in advance, for my Christmas gift! Hope you like my pic, too.

No , the pic posted here is not the one I entered.
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