I met up with Jovan at the MRT station just so we could arrive together. Good thing we did, 'cause we didn't know anyone else there.
After signing in we were given a couple of certificates and we were told to use one of them tonight. The certificate said: Get 2 donuts and 1 cup of coffee and get a free gift. I figured, I'd spend P130, thereabouts, that's ok. But when we get to the counter to choose the donuts (and get the 1 original glaze free) and choosing the coffee I pull out my wallet and the girl says, "No, mam. It's free today for Friends of Krispy Kreme." And then she tells me to turn around to get my free gift. Behind me was a table with staff handing out half-dozen boxes of original glaze and the stub for a FREE GIFT was returned to us which we were told to just keep for later. HAPPINESS!
So ... box and bag of donuts in hand and coffee in the otherJovan and I make our way out to one of the outdoor tables so that we could monitor the activities outside. Who knows, we might win something, right? Sadly, we didn't but ... because we kept the stub we were told to line up once again before we left to get our SECOND box of half-dozen original glaze donuts and a Team Manila tee-shirt. Plus, all the drinks at the counter were free so we could just take what we wanted. Plus, we also got a couple more original glaze donuts while waiting our turn. DOUBLE HAPPINESS!!
PLUS: we also have a certificate for the opening (Sept. 5, Friday). If we buy 1 dozen assorted donuts we get 1 dozen original donuts FREE! TRIPLE HAPPINESS!!!
Thanks for loving us, Krispy Kreme! I remain one of your loyal patrons. BRING ON THE FREEBIES.
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