With TK I need to complete the following:
- 17 lab exercises
- 17 complete websites (with original content, design, and full functionality)
- 5 text quizzes
- 5 interactive quizzes
- 45 concept papers
- information architecture
- web typography
- web page elements and layouts
- working with dreamweaver
- working with colors for the web
- optimizing images for the web
- preparing photographs for use on the web
- slicing and rollovers
- designing the site template
- inserting media
- wire-framing
- using tables to layout a website
- spry
- working with forms and applying JS behaviors
- web publishing
- portfolio production and timeline
- production timeline
- online layout and production
- asset assembly and selection
- specialization stages
- asset collection
- integrating assets to mediums
- asset selection
- physical setups
- layout for physical designs
- COM 631 Statistics in Communication
- COM 632 Information and Communication Technology
- COM 634 Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies
- COM 635 Seminar in Communication Management in the Philippines: Issues and Problems
- COM 636 Corporate Communication
- COM 637 Managing Public Information Programs and Campaigns
- COM 638 Organizational Culture and Communication Policy Planning
- COM 639 Research and Theory Construction in Communication
- COM 640 Communication Research Utilization, Planning, Policy and Management
- COM 641 Qualitative Approaches in Communication Research
- COM 642 Ethical and Philosophical Issues in Communication Research
- COM 643 Cross-Cultural Research
- COM 644 Emerging and Indigenous Communication Research Methods
- COM 646 Advanced RTV Production and Direction
- COM 647 Legal and Ethical Issues in Mass Media
- COM 648 Investigative Journalism and Development Communication
- COM 649 Seminar in Global Communication
- COM 652 Advanced Multimedia/RTV Broadcast Journalism
- COM 656 Electronic PR and Advertising Strategies and Communication Campaigns
- COM 530 Introduction to Communication Theories and Models
- COM 531 Introduction to Communication Research Methods
- COM 532 Social Dynamics of Multi-Media Communication
For my schoolwork I need to submit:
- goals and objectives of the MC marketing plan
- analysis of an existing communication campaign of a local government agency
And then, as icing on the cake everything (except schoolwork) are priority work! Ok ... so maybe I have a good reason to be anti-social and keep my nose to the grindstone. I just wish I don't get more work dumped on me in the meantime. It's not like I have the extra time.
I'm not even counting other MC tasks because I am able to do manage to insert most of my tasks as secretary somewhere between all the writing and typing and conceptualizing but that's it. I can't take the helm on anything anymore. If I do that then I will have to give up something, which I can't do. I already gave up my social life, decent sleep, regular meals, and family time. What else am I expected to give up?