After 3 weeks of non-stop work I finally got some breathing space yesterday. For weeks now I have been suffering a pounding headache, my jaw hurt, the back of my neck has felt like someone was stepping on it constantly, and my shoulders were heavy.
The stress of all the things I needed (and still need!) to do just caught up with me.
- finalizing the grades of my kids (students) for submission to the registrar
- compiling research on communication theories and models into a handbook for my COM 630 class
- individual thesis (still working on it)
- group thesis (for presentation)
- review of masteral/doctoral paper on cross-culture (to do list)
- communication plan (to do list)
- session guide (to do list)
- 30 lab exercises and quizzes for racket (to do list)
There's still a lot left to do! Waaah! But at least I got the heaviest and most urgent ones out of the way.
As soon as I got home at around 7:30pm last night I did the following:
- had dinner
- called Asian Massage and asked them to send a therapist
- took a shower
- went to sleep
Since we normally stay up late I asked my mom if she could wait for the therapist to arrive who was scheduled to arrive at 11:30pm.
I was in so much pain I could not even sleep properly while waiting.
When the therapist arrived I let her (Liezl) do her magic and voila! I finally got a good night's sleep after 3 weeks!
She asked me what kind of massage I wanted and I said "anything, so long as it will make the pain go away". The receipt she gave me said Swedish but it felt more like a combination of Swedish and Thai. A home service massage would cost P300/hour, same as if I had the massage at a spa.
It was totally worth it! I will definitely call on them again soon.
And now ... nose, meet grindstone again.